
Call or e-mail your order before noon (day) to be delivered within 24 to 48 h. Attention working days. Within the limit of stocks available.
Free of charge (€250 Excl. VAT) delivery normal €14 ex VAT
Warning heavy or bulky transport request a quote.
Opening hours (on appointment)
09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 18:00
Tuesday Thursday
09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:00
09:00 - 13:00
Payment methods available at your disposal in Showroom or remotely to facilitate your orders.

The benefits of your loyalty card and payment by installments ....

Your card may be activated, suject to your loyalty:
It costs you nothing but earns you a minimum 5% permanent discount on your cash purchases - till receipts
It entitles you to special discounts, gifts and invitations to events and receptions of your interest.
Your card may be supplemented by a function "deferred payment", it gives you these advantages:
You'll receive your loyalty card and payment by installments, personally at your home.
This card allows you to make cashless purchases of furniture, products and training.
You have a financial baksup. An additional purchase, an unexpected expense or promotions not to miss cannot unbalance your budget.
You reimburse your purchases of furniture, products and training gradually in small monthly installments. You can always make additional payments.
Each month you will receive a detailed statement of account. You'll find all your transactions clearly marked, and the amount that is still available.
Thanks to your loyalty card you are always the first informed of special offers.
In Belgium, all your purchases are insured against theft, loss and damage, free of charge.
You can increase your protection by insuring yourself against the risk of occupational disability. The insurance will honour the monthly payments during your disability. This insurance may be extended to cover jobloss.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 065/363005
Annex to the bid opening loyalty card
Credit opening indefinite period with card Annual Rate Global Workforce 12.42% with 0.10% of the outstanding balance monthly card fee (variable annual borrowing rate 11.09%) for a credit amount of € 2.000
Subject to acceptance by Santander Consumer Finance Benelux B.V., Lender: Santander Consumer Finance Benelux B.V. with registered office at Winthontlaan 171, NL-3526 KV Utrecht and the Belgian branch which is established 9820 Merelbeke, Guldensporenpark, 81,
Credit intermediary: Les Professions Esthétiques. - Ch. de Maubeuge 511-7022 Mons
Credit monitoring authority: SPF Economie - bd Albert II, 16 à 1000 Bruxelles - 02/277.51.11
The APR of your credit opening offer takes into account assumptions of total use and once the credit line and repayment following:
Warning, To borrow money also costs money.
Note that this system allows you to spread the payment of your training and so profitable before paying.
Always to serve you better.